Pet Definition:
A pet, or companion animal, is an animal kept for a person's company, entertainment or as an act of compassion"

Such As Cute Cats, Fluffy Dogs & Beautiful Birds in the house just for our happiness because they are cute and loved by everyone from kids to the old ones.

Sometimes people keep animals for specific reasons such as security and business purposes.

Most Popular pets in the world are respectively:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Freshwater Fish
And other pets are Rabbits, Parrots, Pigs, Ferrets Hamsters Etc.

Why Pets?
Pets always provide physical and emotional pleasure. Walking with a dog can provide the best exercise benefits for both the dogs and humans. 
Pets are a great way to get companionship when you are alone at home or anywhere especially the adults who have no interest in social interaction with other people in their life.

Playing with pets such as dogs and cats is the most pleasure getting thing, they provide a great way to fun and play to everyone and mostly kids.

Most of the people used to keep pet dogs for the security reasons for the home and property because animals are always the best way to protect anything from other people and robbery.

So Care Your Pets :)
Thank You!