Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick

Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick, have stronger body resistance, and are less likely to hurt their skin and bones. Let’s take a look What are the top ten healthiest dogs, very suitable for first-time dog owners.

No.10 Australian Shepherd Dog
IQ: Tenth

Years of experience have shown that working dogs like Australian cattle dogs have the fewest health problems. Their life span is about 10 to 13 years. This dog is energetic, durable and versatile. It is a good helper for driving long-distance cattle to the market in the Australian mainland. Therefore, this dog adapts to the wild and wild living environment. Suitable for hot weather, but because it is essentially an outdoor-shaped dog with strong mobility, it must maintain sufficient exercise when feeding. It is not suitable for urban life and as a companion for children, but it is a good guard dog and the most popular working dog. one.

Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick 

No.9 English Foxhound
IQ: 46th

Foxhounds have a life span of 11 to 13 years. Traditionally, they are sturdy and strong breeds. Endurance is the main breeding point. They are very suitable for breeding in rural areas or large farm families. Most of them are not prone to major health. problem. It only requires moderate daily exercise such as walking or running, and the hair is also easy to take care of, without having to comb frequently.

Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick

No.8 German Shorthaired Pointer
IQ: 17th

The German Shorthaired Pointer is known for its proficiency in many different types of games and sports. It has an average life span of 12 to 14 years. It has an elegant silhouette, a well-defined head, a sloping shoulder blade, a deep chest, a strong back, and a strong back. The limbs, good bones, plenty of muscles, tails lifted in the correct position and neat coat, the ability to survive in the wild is very strong, this dog can get along with any domestic pets such as children and other dogs. Can also do the duty of watchdog. They are quiet, reliable, and binding, neither shy nor too excited.
Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick

No.7 Border Collie
IQ: No. 1

Bianmu's life span is 10 to 14 years, and its bones are strong. She has a strong shepherd instinct, is clever in nature, good at observing and seeing, can really understand the owner's instructions, and can drive the sheep to move or rotate by looking at her eyes, and has been regarded as a shepherd dog for many years. Its biggest characteristics are cleverness, strong learning ability, high comprehension, easy training, gentleness, loyalty, and obedience, and its degree of loyalty can be described as follow.
Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick

No. 6 string (mixed dog)
IQ: unknown

Unique genetic markers and non-inbreeding make the tandems very healthy! A new study has shown that mixed-breed dogs are unlikely to get some genetic diseases, including certain types of heart disease, musculoskeletal problems, allergic skin diseases and hyperthyroidism, etc.
Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick

No. 5 Chihuahua
IQ: 67th

Chihuahuas are known for being the smallest breeds in the world. They are full of energy. Chihuahuas have a strong will, smart and extremely loyal, agile, lively, very brave and can defend themselves in front of big dogs. The average life span is 14 to 18 years. Chihuahua has a smooth fur and does not need much care. Also because it is small, it does not require too much exercise and is very good to keep.

Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick

No. 4 Havana
IQ: unknown

Harvey is a strong, serene, short-legged puppy with no genetic disease, and has a rather neat coat. This dog is smart and friendly, elegant and sensitive, and even a little shy. They are natural partners, attached to their owners, and are particularly friendly to children. The puppy has a lively personality and was once a pet of wealthy people. I often play tricks on the insects to attract everyone's attention.
Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick

No.3 Australian Shepherd
IQ: 42nd
The Australian Shepherd is a common farm dog, with an average life span of 12-15 years, a working dog with strong livestock and guarding abilities. He is a loyal partner and has the perseverance to work around the clock. He is focused and lively, flexible and agile, muscular but not bulky. The coat is medium in length, thick and hard, and has a protective effect.

Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick

No.2 Labrador Poodle
IQ: unknown

The dog is a hybrid of Labrador and VIP, and it is very popular. Like most Labrador and Poodle dogs, Labrador Poodle dogs are mostly friendly, energetic and easy to get along with their families and children. Bone mass, good appetite, shiny coat, dense coat. The bones are strong and less susceptible to damage, and the hair needs to be washed frequently, and the hair should be cut at least twice a year.
Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick

No.1 Husky
IQ: 45th

This breed is still one of the working dogs, very fond of outdoor sports, strong body, it can play with you tirelessly for a few hours, most of the time you are tired of sticking your tongue out, it is still not enough. Compared with dogs of the same size, the Husky's food intake is only 2/3 of them, or even 1/2, so raising them is a ration. With a life span of 11 to 13 years, Huskies are easy to keep clean. Sometimes, your Husky may not be bathed for a month, but daily combing will make Husky's hair non-sticky and look so clean.

Although it is impossible to predict which breed of dog will have the longest life and live the healthiest, it is true that some breeds of dogs have a lower chance of getting sick