Whether you want to be with your dog for the rest of your life, the dog’s behavioral problems that make people headaches are what we all need to face. One day, the situation is enough to make you want to scream and vent. Let's see how to solve these 7 most common bad habits of dogs!

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits


for health of your dog, the most common bad habits

All puppies will bite. Adult dogs can also, either due to lack of education or boredom. The first step you need to do is environmental management. Until the problem is not improved, don't scatter the things the dog can bite around it. Then, have something suitable for the dog to chew on hand, and once they start chewing on other things, exchange what you have prepared with it.

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits

If you are going out, don't leave the dog scattered around the house, this will leave it with opportunities to practice bad behavior. If you find your dog is chewing on something appropriate, such as chewing on a toy, you must praise it or give the dog a snack. It helps to teach a dog how to "not touch" or "let down" signals.

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits

2---Pull people

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits

Dogs don't think it's a bad thing to pounce on people-they want to say hello to you, and when they pounce on people, they will almost always get attention. The solution lies in it. If you don't want a dog to pounce on people, don't give him any attention (both positive and negative) when he pounces, even if he repeatedly pesters you. All you have to do is turn around and ignore it. When the dog hits the ground on all fours, he turns around to caress and applaud him.

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits

You can put on a leash for your dog and step on the leash with your foot to prevent the dog from jumping on it, especially when some visitors disagree with your training, or when a stranger insists on taking a walk while walking. Remember, as long as you allow a dog to pounce on one person, it will feel that everyone can pounce.

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits

If you will allow the dog to pounce from time to time, you can add a signal before the pounce. For example, for my dog, I slapped my legs to make it flap.

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits


Barking is a big problem and there are many reasons for dog barking. To stop barking, you first need to know why your dog does this. If its barking is due to fear, stress or aggression, you need to seek the help of a professional dog trainer. If the dog barks due to hearing sounds (such as doorbells, knocking on the door, children playing), you need to desensitize the dog. Start with a low volume (a simulated sound on YouTube) and reward the dog with toys or snacks if it doesn’t bark. Gradually increase the volume until you think you can train the dog with real sounds, and you can use it in real life.

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits

Do you have a baby who loves to bark and give orders? Don't compromise! The best solution is not to satisfy the dog's needs when he barks. Until the dog calms down, you can give it toys, food, attention and so on.

4---Indoor defecation

This may be the most annoying thing, and the most common reason why dogs in shelters are retired each year. If it is a puppies or old dogs that have not studied before, you need to start by restricting the range of activities (start from a small space, and gradually expand the range of activities after it can successfully go to the toilet). It should be fed on time so that you can know how long it will be convenient to take it out. Take your dogs out to the toilet after playing, taking a nap or drinking a lot of water.

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits

I don't recommend using a dog changing mat, because it will make the dog's learning process take longer (unless you plan to allow the dog to go to the toilet on a dog changing mat, sand basin, or straw mat in the future).

Putting a leash on your dog can ensure that you will notice it all the time.

Don't punish! In the past, the old method advocated flicking the dog's nose or spanking, which would only make the dog afraid, and let it learn to hide in the room while defecation, but not prevent it from defecation in the room.

5---open mouth to bite

All puppies will bite your heels and feet when you walk, and bite your hands when you play with them. This is a common problem and it is easy to solve.

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits

For walking:

Stop immediately. Put a leash on the dog so that it can be easily taken away from your legs. Do not continue walking until the dog is quiet. If the dog does not bite, give it a reward.

You can also give the dog a biting toy-it works very well for my Shetland, there are so many things that can arouse its desire to chase and bite.

Targeting hands:

Do not play with puppies with your hands. People usually want to play "wrestling" games with puppies, causing the puppies to bite their hands. If we play wrestling games with dogs like their brothers and sisters, we should be treated like dogs, including open mouths.

Use toys instead. If the puppies do not play with toys and play with your hands, stop the game. Pick up the toy and leave.

In both cases, you can tie the dog's leash to a fixed object (for example, to a heavy object, so that the dog cannot follow you when you leave).

Once the dog has calmed down, you can return to start the game again.

6---Dragging behavior

This is another common complaint. The best solution is to stop when the dog is dragging. Wait until it comes back before moving on. If the dog stays by your side, praise him and give him snacks. You can also use training tools, such as head halter reins or chest back with front buckle.

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits

The important thing is not to let the dog get anything because of dragging, this will only reward its dragging behavior. Instead, stop and wait for it to come back and move on, going where it wants to go. In this way, the dog can learn to go anywhere, the best way is not to drag.

7---Stealing food

Stealing food is not only annoying, but ingredients in food are dangerous if they are harmful to dogs. The best way is to teach the dog the "don't touch" and "let down" passwords (sometimes it's too late to let the dog "don't touch", which requires the "let down" password). When training, keep food for training and don’t put it all over so that the dog may eat it.

for health of your dog, the most common bad habits

For those ambitious owners, dogs can be trained to leave food automatically. This means that unless you allow the dog to take it, it must not take anything. Think about those service dogs-they never steal food or pick up anything that falls on the floor. As long as you are patient, you can definitely train a good dog.