Create a Routine

Structured dogs are best at it. You can help your dog partner adapt to apartment life by providing some reliable structures. For example, feed the dog at the same time every day.
Choose the morning time and evening time to feed the dog. He will be happy to know when the next meal will come.
Develop a walking schedule. Try to walk the dog at the same time every morning and evening. If you have a dog during the day, ask them to come at about the same time every afternoon.
Schedule the playing time. Make sure your dog knows that on weekends, he will get a longer break, or even travel to the dog park.

Consider Some Help During The Day

One of the disadvantages of keeping a dog in an apartment is that you may not be able to let the dog have unlimited access to the yard. Therefore, you need to take extra steps to ensure that your puppies have enough time outdoors. If you work from home full-time, this can be tricky.

  • Consider walking the dog. Even if your dog can walk for 10 hours without going to the bathroom, it does not mean that he will not enjoy the fresh air.
  • Hire someone to walk the dog for 15-30 minutes at noon. Most cities provide affordable and reliable dog services.
  • Try puppy daycare. Your dog may like to go out and socialize.
  • Find a reputable puppy daycare near your home. You can pay 2 to 3 days a week to put down your dog, depending on your affordability.

healthy dogs in apartment

Buy Quality Supplies

Your dog will need some substances to keep him happy and healthy. First, make sure you buy the right food. Discuss with your veterinarian the type of food best for your dog.
Buy a lot of toys. Dogs like to play and many of them like to chew. Provide toys to let them have fun and express their energy.
Dogs have different personalities. If your dog does not seem to be interested in a toy, please continue to try other options until you find a toy that interests him.
Buy a dog bed. Your dog will like to have his own special place to rest. If you do not allow animals on furniture, it is important to provide a comfortable bed on the floor.

Spend a Good Time Together

The best way to make your dog happy and healthy in the apartment is to pay attention to him. Make time every day to focus on your dog. In addition to feeding him, find other ways to interact.

  • Take time for a walk. After doing his business, don't bring your dog back.
  • Play with your dog. Spend time interacting with games such as acquisition or hide and seek.
  • Go to the dog park together. Your dog will be happy to have time to run freely, and you two can have enough space to play together.