how we can keep our dogs healthy some tips

Groom your dog's hair regularly

Brush your dog's hair to keep it shiny, which will also promote good circulation. Be sure to watch for any new bumps, redness or itching on the skin, and take the dog to the vet for observation. Combing hair is also a good time to check skin conditions, such as fleas and ticks.

how we can keep our dogs healthy some tips

Cut a dog’s nails only when you know how to do it

Although it may take a little time for a dog to get used to cutting nails, nail trimming must be part of daily grooming. Be careful not to cut your dog's nails too short, so the dog will be uncomfortable. If your dog’s nails are black, ask the vet to tell you how to cut them.

If you don't know how to trim your nails, please consult a veterinarian or technician to tell you how to trim your dog's nails.

how we can keep our dogs healthy some tips

Brush your dog's teeth every day

Brushing your teeth can remove bacteria from your dog's teeth. This is also a good opportunity to check for oral diseases such as mouth ulcers, loose or damaged teeth. You can only use dog toothpaste when brushing your teeth. Because the fluoride in human toothpaste is toxic to dogs, it cannot be used by dogs.

Occasionally, your dog needs to be cleaned by the vet. When the veterinarian checks and cleans it thoroughly, it will be sedated.

how we can keep our dogs healthy some tips

Check your dog's ears

The ears should not have smell or any discharge. The inside of the ears should be white; but some dark dogs may have dark inner ears. Turn your ears over and take a look. It should be clean, and some dirt, debris, or parasites such as ticks can sometimes enter the ear. These things should be disposed of carefully.

If your dog has drooping soft ears, it should be checked daily.

how we can keep our dogs healthy some tips

Clean your dog's ears

Use products specifically designed to clean dog ears, or use a solution of half white vinegar and half rubbing alcohol. Soak a cotton ball with this liquid and gently wipe the dog's ears. If there are blood stains on the cotton ball, stop washing immediately and consult a veterinarian.

Excessive head shaking, ear scratching, or odor and discharge (waxy, liquid, or brown) are abnormal. If you think your dog has an ear infection or other ear problems, you should take it to the vet.

how we can keep our dogs healthy some tips