What are the nutritional requirements for a dog?


Eyes bright eyes of God, the cornea without injury , ulcer sores, no pannus,  and convex; of Positive Chang,texture is clear; the ocular fluid is not turbid, the lens and vitreous are transparent; the fundus is clear, no vascular hyperplasia, no protrusions, and no bleeding points; the color of the conjunctiva is normal, there is no hyperplane of blood vessels, the ocular fluid secretion is normal, the secretion is less, and the vision is normal in Healthy Dogs.

The ear is sensitive and hearing is normal. There is no brownish odorous discharge. There is no pain in the ear. The skin of the ear shell is not cancerous and itchy. There is no hair loss and dander.

The tongue moves freely, the mucous membrane is not thickened, and the color is pink (the tongue of Chow Chow is blue-purple).

The nasal nose is wet and cold, the mucosa has no congestion, no ulceration, little nasal fluid, no pus or nasal catarrh.

The oral mucosa is pink, the tympanic membrane is intact, without ulcers, salivation and odor; the teeth are neat, the gums are not red and swollen, there is no calculus, and they are not loose.

The coat is smooth and irreversible, shiny, uniform and dense, without hair loss area.

The skin feels elastic to the touch, without rashes, nodules, abnormal bulges or depressions, no tumors, boils, pain, no pyoderma, less dander, no itching, and no ectoparasites.

The anus is clean and there is no sign of diarrhea, the anal glands secrete normal, not swollen, and the bowel movement is smooth.

The penis of male dogs is not red or swollen, there is no purulent discharge, and the urine color is normal.

There was no abnormal vaginal discharge, no peculiar smell, no thickening of the clitoris and labia, no pain and itching, and no abnormal pigment changes.

Limbs, neck, waist and limbs are strong and powerful, the neck rotates flexibly, the joints flex and stretch freely, and the movement is clever. There should be a concave waist reflection when touching the waist.

The nails are strong and strong, without tumors. Not easy to split, and the nails are not long.

Body temperature, breathing and heartbeat

Body temperature, respiration and heartbeat are important physiological indicators to measure the health of a dog's body condition and are known as the three major clinical indicators. The normal body temperature of a dog is 37.5℃ to  38.5℃. It can measure skin temperature and anal temperature. Under normal circumstances, the body temperature in the morning is slightly lower than that in the afternoon, and the body temperature of a young dog is about 0.5°C higher than that of an adult dog.

It is normal for body temperature to increase due to heat production after exercise. The following factors may increase the body temperature of normal dogs: after strenuous exercise; in an unfamiliar environment; when mentally stressed, the bitch lacks calcium after delivery; the summer heat is not good for heat dissipation.

Respiratory changes have a certain relationship with lung function and environment. The normal breathing rate of dogs is 10-30 times/min. When sleeping, breathing is even and deep; after exercise, the weather is sultry, the bitch's postpartum calcium deficiency, poor lung function or inflammation, the dog gasps, breathing shallow and fast.

The dog's normal heartbeat (heart beat) frequency is 70 to 120 beats per minute. The number of heartbeats increases after exercise, abdominal pain, inflammation and other diseases. When the heart function is abnormal, the rhythm of the heartbeat will change. In severe diseases, such as shock, the heartbeat will be weak and fast.

Under general anesthesia, the dog's body temperature, respiration and heart rate decrease, which is the result of anesthetics.

Functions of important organs

The brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidney, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract are all important organs.

The brain is the nerve center. Peripheral nerve receptors receive various stimuli and transfer the stimulus signals to the brain. The brain transmits relevant instructions through the nerves to the peripheral effectors to coordinate the physiological activities of various organs. Dogs rarely suffer from canine inflammation, but are susceptible to canine distemper and toxic encephalitis, most of which are mainly neurological symptoms, convulsions and can not be controlled, and poor prognosis.

As the initiator of the circulatory system, the heart has a certain pattern of contraction and relaxation. In this way, the heart pumps blood from the heart into the arterial tube and distributes it throughout the body. After substance exchange in the capillaries, it passes through the veins. The tube merges into the heart. The number of beats and functions of the heart can be checked by auscultation and ECG. Dogs have a certain proportion of abnormal heart rhythms, but the incidence of myocarditis is not high, but they often suffer from canine parvovirus disease.

The main function of the lung is breathing. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide and other metabolites is done in the lungs. The function and state of the lungs are very important. Through auscultation, routine blood tests, and blood gas analysis, the status of lung function can be determined. In life, dogs often suffer from bronchitis and bronchitis, especially when the temperature suddenly drops, and they are more susceptible to this disease. If they have not been immunized, young dogs are susceptible to canine distemper, infectious bronchitis and parainfluenza disease. When the larvae of certain endoparasites migrate in the body, they often cause puppies to cough and cause changes in lung parenchyma.

Most of the dog's liver is located on the right side of the front of the abdomen, and the entire concave surface of the diaphragm of the quarter rib is occupied by the liver. The gallbladder is obvious, and the bile is discharged from the bile duct and opens in the front of the duodenum. The main function of the liver is to secrete bile and help digest fat. In addition, it also plays a role in metabolism, detoxification, hematopoiesis and defense. In the liver, bile salts are synthesized or combined with taurine or glycerin to form tauro bile salts, or glycerol bile salts. A certain amount of laboratory equipment is required for liver function tests. The normal values ​​of liver function in dogs are as follows: alanine aminotransferase (ALT) at 30°C is 4~66U/L; aspartate aminotransferase (AST) at 30°C is 8 to 38U/L; r-glutamic acid The transferase (GGT) 30°C is 1.2 to 6.4 U/L. In certain parasitic diseases, icteric hepatitis, infectious hepatitis, and abdominal effusion, or before and after taking drugs harmful to the liver, liver function should be tested.

The excretion of urine is one of the functions of the kidneys. In addition, the kidneys also have the function of maintaining the balance of ions in the blood. The main functions of the kidney include: excretion (such as protein metabolism waste), regulation (such as acid-base balance) and biosynthesis (such as erythropoietin). In nephritis and chronic renal failure, renal function should be checked. Older dogs, obese dogs, dogs with urinary tract inflammation, etc. should be checked for blood and urine. Normal blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is 1.8 to 10.4 mmol/L, and creatinine (CRE) is 60 to 110 μmol/L. Urine test items include: urine color, smell, transparency, acid-base reaction, occult blood, relative density, protein, urobilinogen, glucose, ketone body, urine bilirubin, nitrite, kidney cells, urine sediment inspection and tube Type etc. In chronic renal failure, regular physical examinations should be performed.

The terminal of the pancreas is located at the front end of the duodenum and is divided into two parts, one is the exocrine part and the other is the endocrine part. The pancreas secretes colorless and transparent alkaline (pH 7.8 to 8.4) pancreatic juice during the digestion process, which is rich in pancreatic fatty acids, trypsin, pancreatic amylase and pancreatic nuclease. The endocrine department is the islets of pancreas. There are three types of cells. A cells-producing glucagon, B cells-producing insulin, and C cells-producing somatostatin. These hormones are secreted into the blood and regulate the balance of sugar in the body. The pancreas also secretes a large amount of bicarbonate into the duodenum to maintain the appropriate pH value of the intestinal lumen to help maintain the activities of pancreatin and intestinal enzymes. The function of the pancreas is important for digestion. Whether the pancreas is inflamed can be measured by detecting blood amylase (normal value is 185~700U/L at 30℃) and lipase (normal value is 0~258U/L at 30℃), and the trypsin in feces, Neutral fat and starch for analysis.

The dog's food is more complex, its digestive tract is short, but its digestive glands are very functional. The average retention time of food in the digestive tract of dogs is about 24 hours. The process of degrading food macromolecules into simple molecular compounds is called digestion, and the process of substances passing through the intestinal mucosa is called absorption. The contraction of the masticatory muscles and digestive muscles mechanically reduce the size of food particles. The digestive juice rich in enzymes secreted in the stomach and small intestine of the digestive tract plays a role of chemical decomposition and parasitizes the bacteria in the end of the digestive tract. It also produces enzymes with chemical digestion.

The activity of the digestive tract has both autonomous control and involuntary control. Chewing, swallowing, and anal sphincter contraction are all autonomously controlled, while all digestive and secretion activities of the stomach and intestines are under the control of the interaction of nerves and hormones.

The food that dogs eat every day is mainly through mechanical chewing and grinding of large particles, and it is fully mixed with saliva. The parotid, submandibular, sublingual, and zygomatic glands secrete saliva into the cavity. Saliva is composed of 99% water, 1% mucus, inorganic salts and enzymes.

After the food enters the mouth, the tongue first forms a bolus and sends it into the esophagus. There is no digestive enzyme in the esophagus, but it can secrete a lot of mucus, which can lubricate the food. The peristalsis of the food bolus through the esophagus enters the stomach through the cardia.

The rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the stomach wall pushes food to the pylorus, and promotes the mixing of food and digestive juices and the decomposition of digested products. The secretory activity of the stomach is controlled by nerves and hormones. The food that enters the stomach is mixed with gastric juice, and is further decomposed by the mechanical pressure of gastric contraction.

Most of the digested products will eventually complete the digestion process in the small intestine. For example, all digestible proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are digested into amino acids, dipeptides, glycerin, fatty acids, and simple sugars. These digests are absorbed by the small intestine along with water, vitamins, and inorganic salts. For dogs' food and water, 50% is absorbed in the jejunum, 40% is absorbed in the ileum, and only 10% is absorbed in the colon of the large intestine. During the absorption of digestive products, all digested nutrients and more than 90% of sodium, potassium and chloride ions in the intestinal lumen are absorbed.

Salt and water are absorbed by the large intestine. The large intestine moves less than 5 times per minute. The peristalsis of the large intestine can push the contents of the intestine back and forth to mix back and forth, and sometimes there are lumpy and intensive movements. Bacterial fermentation in dogs is mainly concentrated in the large intestine. The main bacterial species are Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Bacteroides and Clostridium. Undigested food stays in the large intestine for approximately 12 hours.

For a dog to digest and absorb food, it must have a functional gastrointestinal tract, and the state of the gastrointestinal tract depends on the teeth, digestive enzymes, gastric function, intestinal function, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder functions, and whether they are sick or not, objectively The indicators are the physical properties of feces, the frequency of defecation and the composition of feces. Stool examination items include: occult blood, parasites, parvovirus monoclonal antibody, trypsin, neutral fat, starch and muscle fibers.

Hematuria test

Hematuria examination of dogs is one of the basis for diagnosing dog diseases, and it is also an important part of clinical physical examination.

Blood is composed of plasma and formed components (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets), with blood cells accounting for 30% to 40%. The relative viscosity is 4.7, and the relative density is l. 051~l. 062, the total blood volume is 7.7% of body weight. The main distribution is: about half of the circulating blood volume, 1/6 stored in the spleen, 1/5 stored in the liver, about 1/10 stored in the skin. Red blood cells can carry oxygen and carbon dioxide, and there are 8 kinds of antigens (8 blood types) on their surface. White blood cells have a nucleus, and one of its main functions is to protect the body from damage. Platelets are mainly involved in the coagulation process and maintain the integrity of the vascular endothelium.

The water content of plasma is 91-92%, with only 8-9% solid matter. Among the solid substances, plasma proteins (albumin, globulin, fibrinogen, etc.) are the main ones, which are involved in the transportation of nutrients, hormones and metabolites. Among them, globulin is the main component of antibodies and has immune functions. Fibrinogen is involved in hemostasis.

The normal blood routine physiological values ​​of dogs are as follows: red blood cell (RBC) is 5.5-8.51012L, hematocrit (HCT) is 0.37-0.55L/L, mean hematocrit (MCV) is 60-7710 -15/L, total number of white blood cells (WBC) is 6-17109/L, average red blood cell hemoglobin (MCH) is 19.5-24.510-12g, hemoglobin (Hb) is 120-180g/L, leaf-like neutrophil Cells are 60 to 77%, rod-shaped neutrophils are 0 to 3%, monocytes are 3 to 10%, eosinophils are 2 to 10%, lymphocytes are 12 to 30%, basophils are Rarely, platelet (P) is 200 ~ 900109/L.

The normal biochemical values ​​in dog blood are as follows: total protein (TP) is 54 to 78g/L, albumin (ALB) is 24 to 38g/L, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is 8 to 38U/L at 30℃ L, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is 4 to 66U/L at 30℃, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is 0 to 80U/L at 30℃, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is 100U at 30℃ /L, amylase is 185 to 700U/L at 30℃, lipase is 0 to 258U/L at 30℃, r-glutamate transferase (GGT) is 1.2 to 64U/L at 30℃, muscle Acid kinase (CK-NAC) is 8-60 U/L at 30°C, blood glucose is 3.3-6.7 mmol/L, direct bilirubin is 2-5 μmol/L, and urea nitrogen (BUN) is 1. 8 to 10.4mmol/L, CRE is 60 to 110pmol/L, Cholesterol (CH0L) is 3.9 to 7.8mmol/L, Thyroxine (T4) is 10 to 40ng/ml, total bilirubin It is 2 to 15μmol/L, calcium 2.57 to 2.97mmol/L, phosphorus 0.81 to 1.87mmol/L, chlorine 104 to 116mmol/L, potassium 3.8 to 5.8mmol/L, sodium 138 to 156mmol/L, magnesium 0.79 to 1.06mmol/L, bicarbonate 18 to 24mmol/L.

When checking for anemia, inflammation, bacterial and viral infections, parasitic infections, or assessing the body's resistance, blood tests are required. Blood tests are also commonly used to understand the degree of disease, blood pH, anemia, changes in certain enzymes, and ion concentration. , Abnormal cells, filariasis of dog heartworm microfilaria, coke worms, trypanosomes, hookworm larvae and thyroxine and other hormone changes.

The dog's normal stool is khaki with water content of about 70%, and the number of normal bowel movements is 1 time. In addition to water in the feces, there are also unabsorbed food residues and shed intestinal cells. Clinical fecal examinations of dogs are mainly used to diagnose dog parvovirus disease, whether there is gastrointestinal bleeding (occult blood), colitis or enteritis, and trypsin, muscle fiber and starch content, etc. It is also used to diagnose parasitic diseases. However, it should be noted that some parasites are intermittent ovulation, which requires multiple examinations to confirm the diagnosis.

Dog urine in healthy Dogs  is generally light yellow, yellow or brown, clear and transparent, with an average PH value of 5 to 7, and a relative density between 1.015 and 1.050. Urine test is widely used in clinical diagnosis and can detect urine volume, urine color, transparency, odor, urine protein, pH, relative density, urine sugar, acetone, acetoacetic acid, bilirubin, urobilinogen and urobilin , Hemoglobin, chyluria, urine sediment, urinary endogenous creatinine clearance, urea nitrogen, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, lead, mercury and arsenic, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), creatinine and other items.