how to keep a dog healthy and happy

People who raise puppies at home always worry about the difficulty of feeding puppies in their homes. In fact, it is not difficult to raise a puppy. As long as you have certain skills, you can raise your puppy. Are very healthy, so how do we need to feed our puppies? Today I will tell you some of my experience and experience of raising dogs!


First, the first point to pay attention to when feeding puppies is hygiene, because the health of puppies must be linked to hygiene. Everyone knows that domestic pet dogs are actually not very resistant, so we have to bathe the puppies every three days so that your puppies can be healthy.

Second, you must pay attention to the frequency of feeding the puppy when raising a puppy. Everyone remembers to say in one step that puppies under one year old can be fed one meal a day, and puppies over one year old can be fed two meals a day, together in the morning and once in the evening!

Third, walking the dog is a key point. We must take the puppy out on a regular basis, so that your puppy can adapt to the surrounding environment well and its personality will become very good. At the same time, the puppy will not scream at home, because he is used to contact many people!

Fourth, everyone should pay attention to that the appetite of pet dogs is different from that of humans. Therefore, do not give puppies meals with seasonings. Once puppies eat these foods, they will seriously affect endocrine and even There are many diseases, so everyone must pay attention.

Fifth, the main food we feed puppies is dog food. Choose the dog food that suits them according to your puppy's body type. At the same time, there is a specific feeding amount on the dog food. Everyone should continue to feed according to this amount. Some fruits and vegetables can be added, but no condiments.

Sixth, when feeding cute puppies, we must pay attention to nutritional supplements. Sometimes some puppies will lack vitamins. This is a physical defect of most pet dogs. If you see your pet dog's coat color is not good, then give them some vitamin tablets!

Seventh, feeding puppies must pay attention to timely vaccinations, this is a key thing to protect the health of puppies. At the same time, there are more vaccinations for puppies. It is best to learn the skills of injections by yourself. This can save a lot of money. If you find a pet hospital, the call fee is more expensive!